Sitemap - 2023 - PAUA NEWS

All the talks from 2023 & PAUA Courses for 2024

PAUA Paris 2023 Spotlight: Giancarlo Canavesio's Path to Authentic Living

Simple Rituals, Profound Impact: A Talk with Zach Bell

Exploring the Depths of Friendship with Dr. Jack Allocca and Jesse Elder

Exploring the Intersection of AI and Human Consciousness: Insights from Dr. Jack Allocca's Journey

The World Makeover with Stephen Brooks, the architect of ecological harmony

The Medicine of Your Life with Dr. Richard Grossman

Journey into the Heart of Shamanism with Filmmaker Jan Kounen at PAUA Paris 2023

Amandine Roche // How to be at PEACE and consciously navigate through the intensity of current times

The Journey from Me to I to All // Moses Garelik - PAUA Community Call Recording

Exclusive Talk: Moses Joins Today's PAUA Community Call!

Breath & Peace & Mother Earth

Unlocking Life's True Purpose: Join Frédéric's Inspiring Journey!

Exploring the Future of Conscious Entrepreneurship with Tim Chang

Introducing PAUA's First Course: "A Course in Human Design" with Dirk Nellens

Sarah Drew: A Thoughtful Conversation on Consciousness and AI

Stephen Brooks on Redefining Community: From Costa Rica to Global Impact

PAUA Community Call // Human Design Myths & Applications // Dirk Nellens

Presence Embodied: Join Stephanie Canavesio in a Profound Meditation Experience

Ancient Wisdom and Symbiotic Partnerships: Exploring Plant Magic and Conscious Connection | PAUA Community Exclusive

Uncharted Territories of Faith: Zach Bell's Visionary Talk at PAUA Paris 2023

Empower Your Digital Life: Discover "A Conscious OS for the World" 🌍

PAUA Paris 2023 short video recap + Crystal Meditation with Mayia + upcoming Psychedelic Science debrief call

Preserving Cultural Heritage with Web3: Insights from Linda Adami's PAUA Paris 2023 Talk

Tony Fadell's Vision for a Harmonious Future: Empowering Education and Ethical Tech Innovation

Rare opportunity in less than 2h - MOON DANCE - PAUA Community call with ABUELA URSULA KETZAOCELOTL & MAGDALENA SARTORI

Unlocking the Power of Indigenous Wisdom: Exclusive Video and sacred chants with Puwe & Txuku of the Puyanawa Tribe

Unlocking Ancient Wisdom: Brian Muraresku's Captivating Talk on The Hallucinogenic Origins of Philosophy & Religion

Unleashing the Power of Web3: Yat Siu's Mind-Blowing Insights on Virtual Identity and Gaming

Artificial Intelligence and Societal Impact with Rand Hindi at PAUA Paris 2023

[urgent] Please help avoiding another indigenous genocide by signing a petition before tomorrow

👏 Big clap to you PAUA family!

Announcing PAUA Startup Awards Candidates & Scholarship Recipients!



Last Day for Early-Bird Tickets & New Announcements!


PAUA Paris 2023!

[hidden] PAUA Community Introduction and Groups